Comment problems

I am currently having some issues with Akismet, which I am trying to figure out…

When I log in to check my stats, Akismet (comment spam blocker) has not only taken the liberty of deciding for me which of my comments is spam, they have also deleted them, instead of allowing me the option of approving them. In the first few days of my blog, three of the comments they “caught” weren’t even spam at all, so I already don’t trust them, but I was able to retrieve those comments. Now I can’t even see the comments they claim are spam, and I am not happy about this.

So if you have left a comment, and it hasn’t shown up, please try again. I am trying different things with my settings (I wish I could just turn Akismet off), so hopefully something will help. Although Akismet claims to have “protected” me from 14 spam messages, I find it really hard to believe that none of those were legitimate, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience to whoever has tried to comment unsuccessfully.

I’m not ignoring anyone, or deleting your comments on purpose, I promise!

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